Sunday, July 1, 2018

Day 7 and 8

We got up early and on the road from Branson MO to Nashville TN.  This was longest drive during this road trip.  It might be getting monotonous but the scenery in these states was beautiful.  I think because California is so brown this time of year, to see green grass and green trees with lakes and rivers all around makes an impression. 

We drove past the St. Louis Gateway Arch.  This was a first time for both of us through St. Louis, Mo.  It was quick too.

Driving through Kentucky, we stopped at a truck stop to get gas and go to the bathroom.  We noticed there was a slot machine room in the establishment and John mentioned that maybe I should try out the machines while he puts gas in the car and uses the restroom.  If you know me, you know I lose at gambling and John wins.  I looked but I didn't play, so John came in and put $20.00 dollars in and cashed out $40.00 in 10 min.  That's how we roll.  I would have lost it in 5 min.  Free cheese sticks and diet coke for us.  Boom!

The best jackpot of all is arriving in Nashville at about the same time as the SC Harmons.  What a wonderful sight to see our babies and their babies.  We quickly went to our 2 bedroom condo and unpacked.  It is a nice complex with a pool and playground.  Kudos to our daughter-in-law, Angela. Great pick!  

Off to the Grand Ole Opry!  We didn't get to go in it, but we saw it
Grand Ole Opry

 from the outside.  It was having an event, so no tours until the next day.  We ended up going through the Opryland Resort and Convention Center Lobby and Atrium.  What a fun place.  Number one, it is inside but feels like you are outside. Number two, that makes it cool and not hot and humid.  We walked around for two hours, looking at the trees, little rivers and walking the bridges.  There was a National Sorority Convention going on, so we saw
thousands of sorority sisters walking around either in all white or red and white.  Looked like they were having fun.  There were many nice restaurants to choose from and lots of things to see.  I would recommend this little excursion for families with kids because it was free and entertaining.  We did do a lot of walking. 

Claim Jumper was the restaurant of choice our first night in Nashville.  It was good, and we got in with very little wait.  This is worth mentioning because trying to eat at a live music restaurant, with 8 of us, in Nashville without a reservation, on a Friday night was IMPOSSIBLE, so we thought we did well.

It is hot and humid, very hot and humid, uncomfortably hot and humid and we are eating too much food, way too much food. Good food though, but too much.  That is all I am going say about that. 

Next day, John got up and cooked us up some breakfast.  My cousin, Pam had given us a loaf of Strawberry Pecan bread and suggested we slice it and pan fry it in butter.  Oh my word, delicious, especially with a cup of coffee.  Oh yes and we had eggs and waffles too.

The guys took the kids to the pool while Angela and I made lunches for the day.  With our bathing suits on, sunscreen, food and drinks we headed to a music festival at a Nashville park, tour their Parthenon, and finish the day off at a Water Park.  I am tired again just writing about it.

The park is right in the middle of the city.  It is large and has a replica of the Parthenon in the middle of it.  History is that this was the site of the World's Fair in 1909.  There were many buildings and exhibits around the Parthenon, (exact replica), which are all gone now, but made into a park.  We found our spot
by the Musicians corner, and listened to up and comers in the music world.  Then we toured the Parthenon.  It was cool in there
and we spent time reading about the Greeks, Athena and they also had an art exhibit.  At the park there was also a Women's Suffrage statue and information.  With Jade, we got to talk about the importance of your vote and participation in your government. 

We arrived at the Water Park around 4:00 pm.  You might think that it is too late, but it is just right when you have 2 kids under 6.  The big kids would have loved to stay longer.  They weren't ready to go when it was time, but we were there 3 hours.  Grandm.......I mean the little ones were ready to go.  It was so

crowded that I was afraid we were going lose someone.  It did take the four of us to guard the stuff, follow the littles around and go with the big kids to the big slides.  I did ride
the waves the big kids for awhile.  All of John's kids love the water and they had a blast.  Check out the obstacle course on the lake.  Jade and Cole loved it. 

We ate dinner at Cook Out.  This is an eastern fast food place that is really inexpensive and good.  Hot dogs and hamburgers, fries and drinks, then back to the condo, baths and then to bed.  John and I......I mean the kids were wiped out.  Another great day of making memories.  

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